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Dr Nutrition Oman

What is the appropriate weight to exercise? in Oman

The appropriate weight for exercise varies for each individual and depends on factors such as your current fitness level, exercise

goals, and the type of exercises you are performing.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right weight:

Comfort and Endurance Level:

   - Choose a weight that challenges you to improve your strength but allows you to complete exercises correctly without excessive strain.


Repetition and Set Range:

  - If you aim to build strength and muscle mass, choose a weight that enables you to complete between 8 and 12 repetitions per set.

  - For endurance and overall fitness, lighter weights with higher repetitions may be suitable.


Gradual Progression:

   - It's recommended to gradually increase the weight as your strength and fitness improve, promoting continuous progress.


Listen to Your Body:

  - Consult with a fitness trainer or expert for guidance on the appropriate weight and exercise techniques.


Challenge Yourself:

  - Increase the weight if you find exercises becoming too easy to maintain a level of challenge and ongoing improvement.

The goal is to find a balance between stimulation and safety, and you can continuously adjust the weight based on your progress

and fitness goals in your fitness journey.

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